Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today marks the halfway point of Josh and I's journey through western europe. It's our last day in Nice, France but we are choosing to take a day trip through Eze Village and Monaco. The trip has been amazing and I have been keeping better track through written notes in my journal. It's hard for me to find time to write when i'm trying to capture the immense beauty that surrounds this part of the earth.

Yesterday we went to the beach in Nice, and traveled through the old town and market. for lunch we grabbed a french baguette and goat cheese and enjoyed it on the beach. We climed up L'Chateau to capture some amazing views of Nice. I have many pictures, but will post them when time isn't such a precious artifact. I wish time or money wasn't an issue and i could prolong my trip. Reality is going to be a tough endeavor to face.

A bottle of wine and lovers amongst a pebbley beach topped off our evening. We are staying at Villa Saint Exupery in Nice. It's an incredible hostel.. i have a feeling ill be back someday.

Anyways, it's time i say goodbye to this screen and set my eyes on a more captivating view : )

Au Revoir

Monday, March 28, 2011

weekend with mama

mountains, wind, breath.. earth.
two hearts become one
discussions beyond our highest expectations
growth, passion, compassion
drive, determination, passion, living in the NOW

words cannot describe.

bliss and bless
i love my mother

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

global gab

As the way of the world develops into what we can now call a "postinternational" system, I can't help but to feel absolutely ecstatic about where I am in my studies. I am reading the book "Global Politics In a Changing World" In my 21st century globalization class and it is absolutely crazy what is happening to global relations and affairs. Analysts are beginning to decrease the recognition of individual states and nations in place of a broader global view. With new technologies and means of communication, international news is diffusing faster than ever. You no longer need to be in a specific location to acquire information, even if it's coming from halfway around the world. The widespread access of internet is helping this.

Individuals are also becoming more and more significant in the course of global politics. For instance, I find my mental state in a place of dark, ironic beauty when thinking about Mohammed Bouazizi's self-immulation in front of a Tunisian governmental building.

One day, the police force approached Bouazizi during his daily work as a street merchant. He sold food items like fruit. They demanded that he either begin paying taxes for his scale, or he hand it over to the police. Bouazizi was a simple man, and did not make much of a living. Later that week, he appeared in front of a government building and poured gasoline over his head. He then lit a match. Bouazizi had just lit himself on fire.

Just days later, the Tunisian people began to gather in the streets to protest the government and in particular, attempt to overthrow leader Ben Ali. Bouazizi was being hospitalized at this time. He appeared mummylike with the amount of casting covering his body. He did not die until weeks later.

By that time, the Tunisian people had began a revolution. Tunisia was the first country in the line of a domino effect of Middle Eastern countries that protested (and are protestING) their current governments.

Next came Egypt.. then Libya and Yemen.

I just read in today's Financial Times that Yemen's leader has agreed to step down.

Good luck Libya, we're all rooting for you.

INSPIRATION and HOPE.. let the light shine through and give people a VOICE.

so happy with where i'm at. feeling blessed. praying each day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The sun shines brighter in Denver, Colorado


It's been a few weeks since I've dabbled in my interweb journalism, but travels and excitement upon seeing lovers has brought my mind much afar from concentrating on pixels of digital light..

My journey back home for some Minnesota nice treated me very well. I was able to spend time with my beautiful family and am now 19 years old! Oh, how time flies! The week was laced with immaculate dinners out with friends and Joshua, and kisses and plain ol' love!!! I feel refreshed and alive, to say the least. I returned home late last night to the dry warmth that Denver knows so well.

I ended my first day of classes with a much-needed walk around Wash Park. I love Wash Park because it reminds me of Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis. Friendly dog walkers and cyclers line the paths. There's something about people getting outdoors and being active that stirs up motivation and passion within me..

I love the earth!

My sunkissed face generates the heat of an entire day at the beach! The date is March 21, 2011 and the temperature was 70 degrees today. I was in absolute awe when I stepped outside today! I got my bike fixed, too, and am ready to take on life.

Yet, alas, hunger is driving my vision and mentality away from this screen and into a plate of delicious veggies!

Adios ... from the happiest sunburnt chica alive.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What a success!

Last night i was fortunate enough to experience a Medeski Martin & Wood performance at the Ogden Theater. WOW! Is all i have to say. These guys bring the potential of musical capability to a whole new level. The spirit of John Medeski escapes from his body with his piano solos, and nonetheless comes from Martin or Wood as well. I am in awe! The funky jazz laced my spirit with music of a whole new meaning.

Thanks guys!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Looking out the window, the sun seems to possess me in a powerful yet enlightening way. The landscape outside my window appears to be an array of watercolors, each holding its own, unique light.

This week is one for the record books, because it contains an entirety of so much unprecedented happiness in my soul. The first thing that comes to mind happened in my international economics class on Monday. I went into my classroom about 10 minutes early, hoping to catch my professor to talk about the horrific social, political, and economic state that the Congo has been experiencing for the last 30 years. In the book I just finished reading, "Planet of Slums," it tells the story of the World Bank's implementation of Structural Adjustment programs in Third World Countries. Some of the specific pillars in the SAPS are privatization of the economy and cutting back on gov't spending.The WB entered Congo in the early 1980's, demanding that Congo implement the SAP's before they would grant them with anymore loans. The SAPs went horribly wrong in the Congo (similarly to MANY other third world countries). Poverty, disease, and malnutrition skyrocketed. The WB left without much word, and refused to give Congo additional loans. This is horrible and INHUMANE.

So, back to my story. My professor and I were discussing this and he informed me that I am the student he has chosen (he chooses one per quarter) that DOESNT HAVE TO TAKE THE FINAL!
I am so happy, blessed :)

Also, I am off to Seattle this weekend to visit my beautiful family: Julie, Erik, Ava, and Alek. I can hardly wait to see the shining faces of such young beautiful people. The pacific NW holds a deep place in my spirit.

I am surrounded in beauty! Count your blessings, everyone!

Oh, ya, and last but not least: my baby comes in 2 weeks from today! and all my friends! cheesy collective love field UNITE!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I love my brain!

Today as I was sleepily walking into my international economics class, the class was nearly empty. I planned on asking him if our midterms were graded. Yet, low and behold he called me down to the bottom of the lecture hall to speak to him and I was quite surprised when he stuck out his hand to shake mine. "You're Lana, right?" he said.. I replied, "yes" and he told me that I had written the best essay exam out of my whole class. Now, usually i would be proud of myself purely from an academic standpoint. But, this is my passion!! this is what i live for and am devoting my career hood to!!! I felt giddy the entire rest of the day. I believe it was a result of the heated passion stirring in my veins : ) I am so interested in the WORLD and that is why i am an international studies major..

I believe we are all a united collective. There exists so many rich and colorful cultures throughout the world wish i wish to explore and communicate with. I wish to expand my conscious through interactions with OTHER lights in this collective firework!!!

Needless to say, I had an AWESOME day! I love where I am. I love who i'm with. I love YOU!

Now I'm off to yoga with my head held high and my yogi light shining!! Namaste