Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I love my brain!

Today as I was sleepily walking into my international economics class, the class was nearly empty. I planned on asking him if our midterms were graded. Yet, low and behold he called me down to the bottom of the lecture hall to speak to him and I was quite surprised when he stuck out his hand to shake mine. "You're Lana, right?" he said.. I replied, "yes" and he told me that I had written the best essay exam out of my whole class. Now, usually i would be proud of myself purely from an academic standpoint. But, this is my passion!! this is what i live for and am devoting my career hood to!!! I felt giddy the entire rest of the day. I believe it was a result of the heated passion stirring in my veins : ) I am so interested in the WORLD and that is why i am an international studies major..

I believe we are all a united collective. There exists so many rich and colorful cultures throughout the world wish i wish to explore and communicate with. I wish to expand my conscious through interactions with OTHER lights in this collective firework!!!

Needless to say, I had an AWESOME day! I love where I am. I love who i'm with. I love YOU!

Now I'm off to yoga with my head held high and my yogi light shining!! Namaste

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